TN Events Planning

We Help You Distribute tasks for a collective Goal. To Achieve great things, two things are needed. A plan and not quite enough time

Why? Goals & Objective

Why are your holding the event and it purpose? Intended to be fundraiser, awareness or celebration?. Other means to meet objective?

Who? Target Audience

We find the target audience to attend the event. Reach out to
invite them. Will they pay to attend? Is the price to attend acceptable?

What? Program and outcome

We help you define the scope, duration, build program to secure necessary participation. Activities, speakers and dignitaries.

When? Date & Time

Best time set for the event and duration to plan for the event .

Where? Location

We select the best location for you depending on the type of event. Hotel, school, a park, online..etc. Cost of site? Within budget?

How? The Most Important

Taking care of the following is crucial for the success of the event: Program, budget, operations etc.